
When you open a dataset, you have five different tabs: Settings, Columns, View Data, Summary, and Association tabs.


First, on the Settings tab, you can re-upload the dataset, rename it, and change the description and the tag. You also have the information on the type, the ID, the creation date, and the updated date.


The Columns tab provides you the original name, the column name, the data type, and the data format of each column, that you can modify.

View Data

On the View Data tab, you have all the data with the number of columns and rows.


The Summary gives a simple analysis of each column with a graph.

For numerical columns, it counts the number of null values; and calculates the sum, the mean, the standard deviation, the min, the max, the lower and upper quantile, and the median.

For categorical columns, it counts the number of null values, of unique values, and the min and max length.


The last part is the Association tab, which measures the relationship between two variables. The association between numerical variables is the correlation:

  • a zero correlation indicates no relationship between the variables

  • a correlation of +1 indicates a perfect positive correlation, meaning that as one variable goes up, the other goes up as well

  • a correlation of –1 indicates a perfect negative correlation, meaning that as one variable goes up, the other goes down

If you need, you can use the More details button to better understand associations.

Last updated