Big Query Connector


The Big Query connector in Graphite Note allows you to import your data from a BigQuery data warehouse.


Before starting, ensure your firewall allows incoming requests from the following IP addresses:


Steps to Import Data

1. Create a New Dataset

  • Option 1: Go to the homepage and click on "Create" under Datasets.

  • Option 2: From the datasets list, click on "New Dataset."

2. Select Big Query

  • Choose "Big Query" as your dataset source and click "Next".

3. Enter Dataset Information

  • Name: Provide a name for the dataset.

  • Description: Add a short description of the data.

  • Tags: Add tags for better organization.

  • Click "Next" to proceed.

4. Configure Big Query Connection

  • Project ID: Enter your Google Cloud project ID.

  • Dataset ID: Enter the Big Query dataset ID.

  • Table ID: Enter the table ID if you want to import data from a specific table.

5. Download JSON Key from BigQuery

To enable Graphite Note to access your BigQuery data, you'll need to provide a service account key in JSON format:

  1. Create a Service Account:

    • Navigate to the Google Cloud Console.

    • Select your project or create a new one.

    • Go to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts.


    • Provide a name and description for the service account, then click CREATE.

  2. Grant Permissions:

    • Assign the necessary roles, such as BigQuery Data Viewer and BigQuery Job User. These roles allow the service account to view datasets and execute queries.

  3. Create Key:

    • In the service account list, click on the created service account.

    • Go to the Keys tab and click ADD KEY > Create new key.

    • Select JSON as the key type and click Create. This will download the JSON key file to your computer.

6. Upload JSON Key to Graphite Note

  1. Access the Dataset Creation Page:

    • Return to the Graphite Note platform where you left off at the "Create a New Dataset" step.

  2. Upload JSON Key:

    • You will be prompted to upload the JSON key file. Click on Upload JSON Key and select the file you downloaded from the Google Cloud Console.

  3. Check Connection:

    • After uploading the JSON key, click Check Connection to ensure that Graphite Note can successfully connect to your BigQuery instance.

7. Review data

Review the data and make any necessary adjustments:

  • Rename Columns: Change column names if needed.

  • Change Data Types: Adjust the data types of your columns as required.

  • Click on the "Create" button to finalize and create your dataset.

Next Steps

Now that your data is imported and prepared, you can proceed to create a model without writing any code. Simply go to the Models and follow the steps to build and deploy your model using Graphite Note's intuitive interface.

Last updated